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《街頭街尾》 (Hong Kong Corner Houses)

  • 出版社 香港聯合書刊物流有限公司
  • 作者 未分類
  • ISBN 9789888028726
  • 分類
  • 庫存 0 件 (總店)
  • 庫存 (更新中) (理工分店)
MOP $295.0

What makes Michael Wolf stand above other photographers is his knack for capturing things that appear mundane and inconsequential within the chaos of the urban environment, and turning them into thought-provoking discoveries… Wolf makes us look at and appreciate the surprising multitude of delightful urban phenomena that we tend to overlook or under appreciate. By this means, he challenges the assumptions we have about the city we think we know. 吳爾夫 (Michael Wolf) 在攝影界中傲視同儕,是他能以卓越的攝影技巧,把煩囂都市生活中捕捉到平平無奇的小事,換化成令人細味的影像。我們自以為很了解這個城市,吳爾夫卻利用攝影,讓我們體會到這些被我們忽略了的有趣景象。