

  • 出版社 1不区分
  • 作者 未分類
  • ISBN 9780670013142
  • 分類
  • 庫存 1 件 (總店)
  • 庫存 (更新中) (理工分店)
MOP $153.0

Good friends learn a small but important lesson

Owl and Rabbit are good friends and live in two small houses next to each other. They are perfectly happy . . . until Rabbit’s garden gets in the way of Owl’s view. So Owl builds his house a little taller. Only that blocks the sun from Rabbit’s vegetables. So Rabbit builds his house taller. And soon it’s a house-building frenzy and the two now not-so-good friends have the two tallest houses in the world

All it takes is a gust of wind to remind them that maybe living smaller and together is a much better way to remain friends.

The creator of Meet Me at the Moon has delivered another wonderful animal fable for today’s world.